Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Not To Be A Traitor to my Generation but Grow Up!

Hey all!  So sorry for the long pause, it's been an eventful past several months to say the least with job changes, law school, marriage, heartbreak and other life crises. All that means more fodder for the blog! 

OK, so, a friend of a friend's friend posted this open letter from McSweeny's.  Basically it's a 27 year old who is keeping it classy by boozing it up, puking, falling down stairs drunk and kissing inappropriate partners at inappropriate events and wants you to be OK with it, OK?! As she argues, at least she's not in some lame relationship that requires her to be at Bed Bath and Beyond in the suburbs on the regular.  She's perfectly content with acting like a 22 year old at age 27 and you should be ok with it too. 

Sorry but this single 27 year old thinks this is horseshit.  Sugar, grow the fuck up please.  Being a drunk, one-night-stand a week girl apparently standing around naked in the kitchen dipping french bread into olive oil may not make you irresponsible, but it does make you a joke.  You're that girl at the bar--old enough to know better but in too much denial to act your age.  It's a hop, skip and a jump from being unapologetically immature at 27 to being a 45 year old cougar in a too-small skirt trying to get 21 year old guys to take you home because that's infinitely cooler than raising a child.  

This girl laments the fact that her friends in relationships don't party like they're 22, asking, "Do couples suddenly forget?"  No, sugar, they grew up.  Once upon a time, I used to have sleepovers with my friends while listening to *NSYNC, reading TigerBeat and playing Mall Madness.  I'm not shocked that my friends don't want to do this anymore nor do I question whether they forgot how awesome this was.  This is because I grew up and learned to appreciate other things. 

Life doesn't go from blackout drunk straight to suburban Red Lobster dining.  You can still manage to have a lot of fun, go out, dance, drink, flirt, without acting a fool.  Life is about maturing, learning lessons and earning respect.  Drunkenly falling down all over the place, consistently choosing inappropriate sexual partners, blowing rent money at the bar--all these choices make people lose respect for you.  It also demonstrates that you have no respect for yourself at all.  So seriously, stop trying to justify your sad self and learn to have some adult fun. 

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