Tuesday, July 31, 2012

J-Walkers...J-Makin Me Crazy!

If you've had the privilege of being near me on a public street, you've probably heard me muttering.  Yes I'm crazy anyway, but you all are doing something that is really pissing me off: you're jaywalking like morons. 

I'm a proud graduate of THE Ohio State University and I like to say that as a Buckeye, we all are double majors.  We major in whatever it is we're studying, and we're all forced to major in jaywalking.  We Buckeyes have it down to a science.  So let me drop some Scarlet and Gray knowledge on you.

If you are inclined to jaywalk, judge your decision to go based off of cars you see on the road, not other people crossing the road out of turn.  Those people, like me, have probably timed their walk to the on-coming cars, but that judgment happened about two seconds before you decided to go.  Guess what, those two seconds are the difference between crossing the street without bothering other drivers and being dead.  If you judge your jaywalk off of other people, you will die.  Or wish you were dead, because if it's me driving, I'm honking my horn at you and in all likelihood flipping you the bird.  I know if you see me jaywalk you probably want to follow, because hey it's me, I'd follow me, but spare us all some unpleasantness and just admire from afar. 

Also, before you jaywalk make sure there isn't something going on like a left-turn signal that you're walking in front of.  If you don't, then you could be taking away someone's golden opportunity to turn left in rush hour, which can sometimes be impossible, and that someone might then fantasize about barreling you over with her Jetta. 

Finally, if you are caught in a situation where you're face to bumper with a car, don't turn back, just keep going.  You turning around to from whence you came means that everyone's time has been wasted.  The driver's, yours and mine.  Just go. 

So please be conscious of your surroundings when you jaywalk because you're really making me insane. 

Monday, July 30, 2012

How I Spent My Summer Vacation: The VA Bar Exam, Vol. I

Legally Blonde was the single most misleading movie about the legal profession ever. Not only did NONE of my female professors frequent my nail salon, but graduation day was not the glorious celebration it was portrayed as (recall Elle's squeaky "we did it!").

Graduation day for me, and for most law students meant one thing. The Bar Exam was coming up Fast. And Furious.

Bar prep classes "officially" started just a few days after graduation. However, there were advance assignments to be done. And being the perpetually nervous law student I am (was? That's weird), I did them. After all, THAT COULD BE THE ONE PIECE OF INFORMATION I RETAIN ON THE BAR.

And so summer began, and my schedule ran as such: work all day in downtown DC, fight traffic out of the city to make a 6 pm lecture that would run anywhere from 3.5 to 4 hours on the regular. Home around 10:15 to pack my lunch and dinner for the next day ( which I affectionately began referring to as my feed bag) and to pass out. This went Monday to Friday. I spent Saturdays and Sundays in my apartment, diligently making neon colored flashcards and doing practice questions.

In sum, I did not see the sun. I look like a character out of Twilight, without the inexplicable body sparkle.

When I finally did take time off work to study, my days were marked with routine precision (up at the same time, review, practice questions, repeat, until I could take no more). I'm fairly certain I wore the same pair of yoga pants for 5 days in a row.

Sleep was a struggle, especially as the Big Two Days grew nearer. I woke myself up thinking about perfecting appeals, the elements of larceny (pleasant) and who prevails in a race notice jurisdiction.

Before I knew it, it was July 23rd. My suit was packed up and I was headed to Roanoke, VA.....

Monday, July 16, 2012

Bar Prep Has Taken Over

Hai Sugars,

Just wanted to let you know we haven't forgotten about you!  JanJan is in the final week of Bar Prep (so everyone wish her luck!) and Kiki is living the big law life for a few more weeks. 

We'll be back in August to discuss the following: J-walking, festival goers, Game of Thrones, people who stand too close, tourists, dating, weddings, tight clothing, shopping, and much much more. 


Oh Sugar Please